Friday, May 16, 2014

Out of the Cast into a Walking Boot I Can't Walk in

Got the cast off and now have a walking boot which allows me to take it off to air and wash. 3 more weeks on crutches and then supposedly I will get to put weight on the ankle. 1 out of the 7 screws comes out the beginning of July and then PT.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My Ankle

x-ray pre surgery on 4/7/14

Doctor anticipated 3 screws and 1 plate being used to stabilize the ankle and bone.

x-ray post surgery on 4/8/14

Doctor put in 6 screws and the plate. The large screw will come out in 6-8 weeks when the cast is removed. Followed by 3-4 weeks in a walking boot. Followed by rehab on the ankle to try and get normal movement back and remove the scare tissue. The 5 other screws and plate will stay in. The additional screws were needed because the initial x-ray did not reveal that the bone was broken in multiple places and would need that many screws.